Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success. 我们6月份的大型促销一举成功。
Grand St. highlights three to five products at once, each one on sale for a limited time, swapping in a new one every few days. 这个数字不算多,不过一旦该网站在今夏放开注册,客户数有望进一步增长。
None of our grand sale goods are of poor quality. 本店大减价的商品均非次品。
In order to thank people of various circles for their love of our leather shoes factory, we have decided to hold a grand sale for one week. 本皮鞋厂感谢各界厚爱,决定酬宾优惠一周。
"The Grand Design" is due to go on sale next week. 《大设计》预计于下周上市。